DOES JAMES CONTRADICT PAUL? Paul says we are saved by grace through faith, yet James says faith without works is faith dead and that a man is justified by works […]
DOES JAMES CONTRADICT PAUL? Paul says we are saved by grace through faith, yet James says faith without works is faith dead and that a man is justified by works […]
ARE YOU A GOOD OR BAD TREE? Many “profess” Christ but their hearts are far from him yet claim to know Jesus. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit. Still […]
AUGUSTINE: THE REAL PELAGIAN Most remaining accounts of Pelagius are from a pro-Augustinian perspective as most of Pelagius writings were destroyed by the early RCC. The accusation of “Pelagian” is […]
WHEN MAN BECAME MADE IN GOD’S IMAGE God, made man in HIS image, and in His sovereignty chose to create man with the freewill ability choose good or evil, which […]
CALVINISTS WEAR SHEEP CLOTHING Jesus said wolves come in SHEEP clothing for a reason, they APPEAR to be Christian. Jesus also said a tree is known by it’s fruit. Calvinists […]
NO EXCUSE Trinity & Orignal Sin walk hand in hand to create a “Godman” who alone was able to overcome the inherited “sinful nature” we’re told we are cursed with […]
BIBLICAL PROOF REFORMED THEOLOGY (“FAITH ALONE”) IS A DOCTRINE OF ANTICHRIST The common definition of “Grace” according to words of men (Reformed Theology) is “Unmerited Favor”. However, in Titus 2:11-12 […]
WHO DO YE SAY I AM? Jesus said his very church is built on the foundational rock of WHO we say he is, who blessed Peter for correctly answering who […]
WHICH “DAY” WAS JESUS BEGOTTEN? The Book of Hebrews states… “For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son, THIS DAY have I BEGOTTEN […]
ARE YOU A GOOD OR BAD TREE? Many “profess” Christ but their hearts are far from him yet claim to know Jesus. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit. Still […]